Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ride of the Fogger

Each evening in the upstanding community of Palm Meadows, the Mosquito Fogger rides.  His highly specialized skill is to ride a bike down the streets at dusk wearing a mask.  I've not seen anything like it.  

The fog machine rides on top his rear fender throwing a deadly tail of smog.  As soon as he starts the machine, he rides like he's being chased.  Weaving in and out of traffic,  it's fun to watch.  Like a stunt plane at an airshow.  Until we realized India may not be so hip on carcinogens. Could they be using DDT? At that point we ran and shut the doors.       


  1. Wise man. From the wikipedia DDT entry:

    Today, 4-5,000 tonnes (of DDT) are used globally each year for the control of malaria and visceral leishmaniasis. India is the largest consumer. India, China, and North Korea are the only countries that still produce and export. Production is reportedly rising.

  2. I was thought I was joking about DDT.
